The bridge forms part of the future motorway between Luanda and Lobito and it crosses the Queve River, approximately 15km south of Porto Amboím in Angola.
The bridge is a full suspension cable stayed bridge with a semi-fan arrangement of stays. The length of the main span of the bridge is 248m with the two side spans being 108m each. The northern approach viaduct is 63m long and the southern viaduct 448m long, with current spans of 35m. Together with the approach viaducts it forms a totally continuous structure 975m long with only two expansion joints located at the abutments.
The concrete pylons are “A” shaped and approximately 75m high. The foundation soils are composed of alluvial deposits of loamy sand and clay with variable thickness, up to a depth of 75m over a substrate constituted by hard clay formations. The foundation piles will have a maximum diameter of 1.50m (due to local market/economic circumstances).
The deck has a maximum 28m width with two longitudinal, solid reinforced, prestressed concrete beams. The two beams are connected transversely by the reinforced concrete top slab and by steel cross-beams placed every 4m.
The stays are arranged in two planes of 60 pairs of cables, comprising of bundles of individual prestressed steel strands. These cross the pylons through saddles, with the exception of the first two stays where traditional anchorages are used.
The entire structure will be cast “in situ”.
The construction Tender is expected to be launched in the near future.